Why a copywriter can't jazz up your content
An edited version of this content originally featured on my LinkedIn page. To read these tips as I release them, come and connect over here!
Sometimes, a project is less about writing a piece of content from scratch, and more refreshing something you’ve already written.
Which means copywriters often get asked if we can:
🤹♂️ Work our magic on your website
🎺 Jazz up your email campaign
🌻 Make your culture booklet more flowery
And the answer is yes – we can*… IF you already have a solid messaging strategy.
If you don’t, that’s where we’ll start.
Because the only way that jazzing and zhuzhing can add any value to your sales copy is when it bypasses the thesaurus and looks really closely at your messaging.
So we’ll first make sure you’re super clear on:
Why should people be interested in what you’re offering?
What frame of mind are they in right now?
What outcomes can you promise?
How do you address any hesitations?
What language and social proof will they find most persuasive?
And then we make sure your sales copy reflects those elements in the strongest order and most compelling tone of voice.
That’s how you’ll add real impact and pizzazz to your sales copy.
If you’d like to talk it through, get in touch!
*Unless you really do want flowery, then you might want a fiction writer. Or a poet.