This is the only 'why' people care about

An edited version of this content originally featured on my LinkedIn page. To read these tips as I release them, come and connect over here!

If you're a freelancer, don't confuse your personal why with your commercial why.

Most freelancers have a similar why – it’s the flexibility to work around family or health or lifestyle projects.

It’s also being able to choose clients who are the best fit, and projects that genuinely light you up.

They’re brilliant whys.

But only for you.

They don’t generally help your clients understand why you’re right for them. And why you’re better than any other freelancer with the same mindset.

So why are you specifically a designer? Or a copywriter? Why should we choose you as *our* copywriter?

It can be harder to articulate, but think about:

- What you love about your work
- Why your ideal clients are ideal clients
- The impact you want to make (or have made)
- How your experience or values influence what you offer

And when you write it, try to make it meaningful and compelling for your audience. It has to feel relevant in their decision-making process to work.

Once you’ve figured it out (and if you’re looking for clients) – share your commercial why more than your personal one😊

For more copywriting resources and details about mentoring, check out this page.


How to ask for useful, actionable feedback from clients


How can a copywriter help? 5 reasons to get in touch with a copywriter (today!)